Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving to Gulf Harbour Tennis

Although I am not the biggest fan of creating a specific day for something we should do every day, I must admit that Thanksgiving is my favorite of all of the holidays. Perhaps that’s because I have so much to be thankful for…or maybe it’s cuz I love to eat! In any event, this is the Thanksgiving version of your Gulf Harbour Tennis Blog, and I/we have much for which to be thankful.

Tough to know where to start…Ah, how about when I drive through the front gates in the morning, greeted by gently swaying palm trees and the beloved sight of the well-groomed 18th? Gazing upon that scene, I know that I have so much for which to be grateful…

As I walk to the tennis center and am greeted by Eddie Dance, Bill Cole, Arnie Wohl, and Rich Fox who occupy Court 3 every morning at 8:00 a.m., I know that I have much for which to give thanks…
Passing by the tennis pro shop on the way to the office, observing Laurie’s creative efforts to bring our members the best in attire and accessories, thinking of all she does that few ever see, I am thankful for the view behind the scenes…

When I sit at my desk, look at my calendar and court sheet, struggling to find an opening for someone wanting to work on her/his game, it is a struggle I know I am fortunate to have…

Approaching the tennis courts for the first time each morning, before the pristine façade that Fernando has created is disturbed, my spirit soars with the sunshine, and my heart is gladdened with gratitude…

The first smiling face of the glistening morning, the ladies filtering in for their morning clinics, chatting, extending their cheery greetings, giving their all as many a ball is flung at them, and expressing their gratitude when it’s all over…How could I not be grateful?

Looking one court over at Mike or Joel flinging the felt with his own special flair, I know that gratitude is definitely in order…

When I walk through the Fitness Center, across the pool deck, into the clubhouse, up to the kitchen, passing familiar, smiling faces all the way, I know what it means to be thankful…

On those days when I get upstairs in time to partake of the fruits of the kitchen staff’s labor, or even when Shirla, Bill, or Steve at the Tiki is the only option, I am grateful for their talents and the Club’s generosity…

And then the kids, who, after a long day of trying at school are asked to perform, to give yet more effort on the court, do just that, I’m grateful for the small role I may play in their developments…not simply as tennis players, but as people…

Sitting on the sidelines of team matches, observing how much our players care, watching them struggle with the emotions of competition, seeing their elation at a shot well hit, the deflation at one that fails to find the mark, I am thankful to be a small part of it…

I think of the team captains who do the hard work: the phone calls, the emails, the ego management, the lineup struggles…and I am truly grateful for their willingness to face the challenges…
And like the captains, where would our program be without the Bob Ostroms, the Tim Baldwins, the George Kanes, the Meg Jacobses, the Lili Canfields, the Connie Hesses, Sally Mellendorfs and Linda Van Wyks and so many more? Yes, we have so much for which to be thankful…
When I look over to the sidelines during Pro League and see the familiar faces of folks, with whom I spend so many hours, and hear their cheers when I manage to summon up the rare winner, it affirms why I proudly and gratefully wear my Gulf Harbour name tag despite the hazing I receive from fellow pros...

When I think of the courage and strength that so many of our tennis family exhibit in the face of ill health and injury, fighting back to take the court again, coming out to support teammates when unable to play, I am so very grateful for their spirits and examples…

And at the end of the day, I know that without the support of the Rick Newman and his capable staff (Mike, Georgine, Dave, Holly, Amy, Maria, and Tom), without Gary Lewis and his hard working bunch (Volney, Dave, Kevin and others), without Alan Schwartzman and his capable crew (Debbie, Bridgette, and Ajla), and without the support of the Board of Governors, none of it would be possible. Our gratitude must encompass them all!

And since I am expressing  gratitude for my Gulf Harbour good fortune, I can't help but thank Mark Doss, Martin Weirengo and the entire Golf staff for making my summers bearable. Many thanks for tolerating this wannabe golfer.

Finally, I am truly grateful for the leadership, friendship and trust of our Director Mike Curran, because without those, I would not be a part of the Gulf Harbour experience that I treasure. To all of you, including those not mentioned by name above, who contribute so much to my experience (and you know who you are), please know that the words “gratitude” and “thankful” are inadequate to express the sentiment I hold for you and the moments we share. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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