Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Tennis Heating up at Gulf Harbour

I usually refer to Fort Myers as a little slice of Heaven, but right now it’s feeling a lot like that other place; you know…the place that never freezes over. Well, the action on Gulf Harbour’s tennis courts is about to get just as hot.

Bush Florida Open Returns to Gulf Harbour
This coming Saturday (June 26) Gulf Harbour will welcome the thunderous ball striking of some of the nation’s top junior tennis players as the Bush Florida Open gets underway. Gulf Harbour is one of eight premier country clubs or tennis communities in Fort Myers hosting the prestigious national event. Former Mike Curran protégé Josh Wardell will be in the field. Click the above link for tournament details.

Our members make a noteworthy sacrifice during this annual event, because court reservation opportunities are limited to two courts for the five days the event is hosted at Gulf Harbour (Wed., June 30 is last day). Our Saturday Round Robin is also on hiatus while the event is being played. Given the premium on court time, members who are not able to play at their reserved time should cancel as soon as possible so other members can use the reserved court.

However, for those who love the game, the event is also a highlight of the tennis year, because some fantastic tennis will be played at Gulf Harbour, providing our members with the opportunity to watch potential hall-of-famers on our very own courts. Everyone is welcome to come on out to watch the highest quality tennis we are likely to see on our courts until next year.

Tennis Court Maintenance
The timing of the tennis court maintenance and upgrade has been moving along quite nicely. As of this writing the final two courts are receiving their new fences and surface dressing. The project won’t be completed until the pavers are installed beneath the canopies, new nets are up, painting of light fixtures and net posts is complete, and the new landscaping has been installed. As always, we appreciate your patience as the project continues.

Firecracker Tennis
The weekend following the Bush Florida Open will also feature tennis action, and while the weather is likely to be just as hot or hotter, then tennis may be a tad cooler than that produced by those limber teenagers. Yes, Gulf Harbour’s members will reclaim their courts on Saturday, July 3rd for our round robin tennis celebration of Independence Day. As of this writing, only three spots remain for the fun event which will feature members dressed in their red, white and blue splendor. Click here to register for one of the three remaining spots.

Guest Policy
In addition to all the fun stuff happening, we have to address some not so fun stuff. As a result of some recent situations, we are implementing a new guest policy. Effective immediately, members who plan to play with guests must sign in at the pro shop or fitness desk (if pro shop is closed) prior to taking the court or courts. An official announcement to this effect will be forthcoming, but we hope that you will adhere to this policy prior to the announcement.

Ladies Round Robin
Ladies, have you reached the point where you are a bit beyond the thrill and grind of team tennis? Well, Mary Jo Hynden and a few other women who have reached that stage enjoy a friendly game every Wednesday morning and would love to have you join them. If you are interested, please contact Mary Jo at or 239-466-5720.

Pro Schedule
Now that things have slowed down just a tad, your pros will be taking some much needed time off. Mike will take his vacation in August, Joel will be on vacation from July 16 through August 1, and T. A. will be on vacation from July 1 through July 7. Please see your individual pro if you have questions about lesson schedules.

I hope you are enjoying the summer, whether you are in the cooler climes or the sweltering southwest of Florida.

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