Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Latest in Gulf Harbour Tennis

Wimble-Ryder 2010
As you might already know, we have some phenomenal multi-sport athletes in our tennis program, and the next big Gulf Harbour event is tailor made for them…of course that doesn’t mean that those of us who aren’t quite as phenomenal won’t have a chance to capture the Wimble-Ryder MVP award. I wish I were eligible, but alas, I’ll only be able to laud the victor.

How about some details? Per Event Coordinator, Tim Baldwin, the event will be held on Saturday and Sunday (May 1 and 2), 12:00p.m.-start on Saturday for tennis and a 1:00p.m.-start for golf on Sunday. The winner will be the individual who garners the most overall points (click here for full details).

Tennis Program Strategic Planning Team
You may have heard that the Board of Governors has begun the Strategic Planning for the direction the Club will be taking, now that it is your club. Of course such planning will encompass the tennis program, and as such, input from tennis players is vital to the process.

Bob Ostrom and Mike Curran will spearhead a group of active Tennis Members who will represent the tennis program, and present our ideas to the Board. The members of the team include Monica Robb, Meg Jacobs, Terry Brady, and Judy Jones.

Your ideas about our facility, our programs, and the direction you would like the tennis program to take will be important contributions in determining what tennis at Gulf Harbour will be like for years to come. Please share them with members of the Tennis Strategic Planning Team. For a more comprehensive outline of the process, please click here.

2010 – 2011 LCWTL Teams Almost Here
The wait to see how our new process works and what our teams will look like is almost over! The Captains Council will meet next Monday (26th) and Thursday (29th) to conduct the first ever “draft” for LCWTL team play. I hope you met the deadline to register your intent to play. Check the list of registered players to ensure that your name is on the rated and/or senior lists, and if it isn't please send and email to
leaguetennis@gulfharbour.net. And, (I know you've been waiting for this!) the ratings are in and you can see them by clicking here. Important note: If you are planning to appeal your rating, please do so ASAP and notify the Captains Council of your intent to appeal, by forwarding an email to leaguetennis@gulfharbour.net.

Fun Stuff
I just want to express my gratitude to our ladies teams who invite us to their LCWTL League luncheons. Although I’m sure some pros pretend that they don’t like (surely it can only be pretense), it is truly a pleasure to sit and chat over a pleasant meal with the ladies with whom we spend so much time on court.

I have had at least one or two of our men walk by as I’ve given a lesson to one of our lovely players, and asked with comic facetiousness, “And you get paid to do that?” Well, I can only imagine what they might say if they saw us enjoying the company of several gorgeous women, with the bonus of complimentary food and drink! It’s one heck of a job, and somebody’s gotta do it…I’m just glad I’m one of those “somebodies.” Thanks ladies!

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