Sunday, March 21, 2010

Tennis Celebration Banquet a Fitting Climax

Wow! Awesome! Expressions such as these would be apt responses to the terrific turnout and fantastic festivities at last night’s Annual Tennis Celebration Banquet. If any of the 135 attendees didn’t have a good time, it was because he or she didn’t feel well, or holds a natural (or unnatural as the case may be) antipathy for lots of people having a great time.

From the delightful décor courtesy of Anna “The Diva” Dance and Pat Ostrom, the fabulous fare from Chef Norbert and his staff, the splendid service provided by Georgine Davidson and her crew, the dancing display by Joel and his numerous “Joelettes” (who will remain anonymous to protect their marriages), and the sagely short presentation by our dynamic Director, Mike Curran, the event was a smash, a winner, an ace…ok, I got a little carried away there!

Unfortunately, keeping it short meant that we didn’t get to welcome some of the new members who were in attendance for the first time, such as Tom and Bev Auda, Angela Mitrisin and Scott Turner, Judy Wilson, Chip and Nannette Graddy to name a few. And, we didn’t get to mention how good it was to see individuals like Linda Gardiner, Preston Clark, Bob Ostrom, Todd Lewis and others bounce back from serious health challenges to join the celebration.

Also in the name of brevity, we didn’t take the time to express our gratitude to:

Bob Ostrom for continuing to champion the tennis program despite immense personal challenges

Lili Canfield, Connie Hess, Terry Brady, Bill Wright, John Hess, Jim Rollero and others who contributed to the record-breaking Memorial Foundation tennis effort

George Kane and Linda VanWyk for the major role they played in making our Club Championship events so successful

Amy and Len Ciarrocchi for providing outstanding banners and sign work for our events

Linda VanWyk for so adeptly taking the helm of the LCWTL Captains Council

Tim Baldwin for all the organizing he does

Laurie Giordano for keeping our ladies in the latest tennis styles and keeping the pros on track…as much as that is possible

Jerry Jimenez for keeping our courts as well-groomed as any in Southwest Florida

Georgine Davidson, Mike Snyder and their staffs, who stepped up to help make our events the successes that they were

Meg Jacobs for bringing her champagne personality to the courts for every single event

• To each and every one of you for making the tennis program what it is.

Despite the omissions for brevity’s sake, the event was nothing short of spectacular. So successful was the event that the following mega-hit spinoffs are now in production:

• How to present over 60 awards in 30 minutes or less by Mike Curran

• How to have potentially disabling surgery, endure debilitating radiation treatments while appearing as though you have not a care in the world by Bob Ostrom

• How to show up Michael Jackson and John Travolta in three steps, while sandwiched between 13 women by Joel Hampton

• How to maintain a humble, yet pleased, smile on your face during repeated trips to the podium to collect your hardware while everyone looks on enviously by Jemin Martinsen, Chip Graddy, and Maxwell Thompson

• Presenting fine fashion for the beautifully mature by Anna Dance and Bev Adams

• How to dance, jump, and run rings around people decades younger than you by Peter Karofsky, Judy Schafft, Meg Jacobs
• How to energize a tennis party by the women of the 4.0 team and 3.0 Double Trouble

• How to look properly shocked (as in totally flabbergasted) when your name is called for an award by Sandy Gebara

• How to take 1000 photos while ensuring your smile is featured in 999 of them by John Hess and Jim Rollero

• How to imbibe massive amounts of alcoholic beverages and appear perfectly lucid by _________ (fill in the blank cuz I like my job)

• How to become, and remain, a member of the best tennis program within a 100-mile radius of your home or summer home by all of Gulf Harbour’s tennis members.

In case you missed the bottom line woven through the tangled strands of thought above, last night was truly a fitting climax to a tremendous tennis season during which so many of you contributed so much. As always, we will continue working to enhance your tennis experience, so gear up for an even better season next year! Game, set, match….

and Bev Adams

1 comment:

  1. I am finally getting around to reading this blog, very funny, well written content!
